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Working with Services

IO River service represents a portion of your traffic, it is logically equivalent to a Website in Cloudflare, a Property in Akamai, a Service in Fastly, a Distribution in CloudFront, etc. Service can include multiple domains, and multiple origins. You can also define custom behaviors for your traffic. You can utilize different types of CDNs in a single service. Each service has a unique CNAME which should be used in order to direct traffic to the service.


Before starting to work with services, you will need to have the following:

  • IO River Account - you can sign up here for a free account.
  • CDN Account - You will need at least one CDN account to be used with your service.
  • Origin - You should have at least one Origin server. Origin is where your content is being stored, for example a S3 bucket or other HTTP server.
  • Domain - Domain name which will be used by end-users to access your content, for example,